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Say goodbye to bulky devices.

Say goodbye to bulky devices.
Portability is a crucial aspect of all technological devices. People want things that are small enough to fit in their pockets that are barely noticeable. This is what ISMOD offers. If you want sleek, portable, stylish and modern heat-not-burn devices, ISMOD is an excellent choice.

Heated Tobacco Vs. Vaping: Which is Right for You?

Heated Tobacco Vs. Vaping: Which is Right for You?

These days, people are looking for replacements to the conventional ways of smoking cigarettes. Fortunately, there exist various alternative options that include heated tobacco products and vaping.

Heated tobacco entails heating of tobacco, producing aerosols that contain nicotine. Vaping, on the other hand, is the process of heating e-liquid that usually contains nicotine. Once vaporised, it's consumed by the smokers. 

Lighting A Cigarette Vs. ISMOD

Lighting A Cigarette Vs. ISMOD

All avid cigarette smokers constantly keep searching for the lighters in their pockets or somewhere deep inside their bags. Frequently, they even end up asking for one to total strangers.

Many go to the extreme trying to work out lighting cigarettes without using lighters.
